Gift Basket Rose Bouquet
Gift Basket Rose Bouquet
Love is in the air! and it smells like roses!
Delight your loved ones with the exquisite "Gift Basket Rose Bouquet", offering a unique combination of flavours and aromas. Ideal for special occasions like Valentine’s day, weddings and anniversaries, this special package from "die Scheune Delikatessen" is a thoughtful ensemble featuring handcrafted delights.
Inside the beautiful gift basket, you will find a curated selection of items, including 1 x homemade balsamic vinegar preparation, 1 x rose extract (5ml), 1 x chocolate thaler (30g), 1 x crystal salt with rose petals, and 1 x strawberry-rose fruit spread (50g).
These exceptional, homemade rose-infused products from Die Scheune Delikatessen are a testament to the artistry of German craftsmanship and a celebration of the rose's deep symbolism. Departing from conventional gifts, the rose-themed items provide a unique and symbolic surprise that is sure to be appreciated.
Let the aromatic essence and the rich flavours of these handcrafted rose delights convey your heartfelt sentiments.
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